Hey there! I’m Corona
Well, Corona means ‘a crown’
I’m now crowned king of social media
And have become talk of the town.
In less than a month I shot to fame
And haunted every dream
And managed to go from person to person
Faster than a viral meme
But I’m not as scary as it seems
My mortality rate is low
But one simple sneeze could infect 10 others
Is what makes me scary though.
But I feel sad that no one saw
The good habits that I taught
As well as the change in lifestyle
That my sudden scare had brought.
The lonely wife got her husband back
As the workaholic now stays at home
People lost blind faith in God
As they shut Mecca, Vatican and Rome.
People abroad came back home
From all the foreign lands.
And these dirty humans FINALLY learnt
To properly wash their hands.
Some habits should’ve been around since long
But it’s me who made humans wiser
They finally cover their mouth while coughing
And carry a hand sanitizer.
And after being placed on international borders
Screening every passenger on Earth
People finally saw the sacrifice
Giving doctors their rightful worth.
So I, Corona, taught you good habits again.
And an ideal lifestyle was found.
Only that no one could see it that way
Because death lurked around.

Manasi Rege
Dr. Manasi Rege is a Mumbai-based medical intern at JJ Hospital, Mumbai who loves to write short articles and poetry. She writes mainly on her Facebook page known as 'Words Of White Coats' and for 'Lexicon' which is a medical magazine created by medical students.