Global Indian Stories celebrates its first year

A year ago today, the first articles were published on the Global Indian Stories website. Since then we’ve had stories from 5-year-olds to 91-year-olds, from countries around the globe.

We’ve heard from those who are trying to make the world a better place and those who are raising funds, food, or supplies for the vulnerable. We’ve had stories from those who have survived disasters and those who stand tall in the face of persecution.

We’ve featured short stories, poems, and recipes. We’ve covered festivals – from religious to film and music. And there’s been health, including topics such as yoga, mental health, and of course coronavirus.

In these challenging times we are heartened by the breadth and depth of positive human stories out there, and we look forward to being able to share these for years to come.

However, we couldn’t have achieved all this without the support of our contributors and financial supporters, whom we value dearly. Without them we wouldn’t be able to continue doing the valuable work we do, giving a voice to the voiceless and helping to foster ties across the worldwide diaspora.

“It’s been amazing,” says Founder Smita Sarkar, “to look back on everything we’ve managed to achieve in our first year. I can’t wait to see where this next year will take us.”

Global Indian Stories – “By the people, for the people”.


Jonathan has a varied history, having written for publications such as Asian Woman but also technical magazines such as Networking+. He also has a background in IT so he's been instrumental in the technical side of getting Global Indian Stories launched. As co-founder, he also keeps writing, sub-editing, and handling the social media.