Vikram Hazra and Soumya Jyoti Ghosh to rock the stage in London and Manchester

Vikram Hazra, an unparalleled name in Indi-jazz-rock-contemporary music returns to UK after nearly 14 years to mesmerise his fans in London at Bush Hall on 1 June and in Manchester at the Band on the Wall on 2 June. Vikram will be accompanied by Soumya Jyoti Ghosh in the concert, titled ‘Song of the Soul’, organised by SAJDA (South...

Short story: “Clean”

The cabin in the woods was spotlessly clean.  It had always been that way, ever since the day it was built.  The clean aroma of the stew wafted out of the kitchen chimney and was lost in the trees somewhere in the distance. Cleanliness was her passion, her mission, her life.  She had adopted it in early childhood, a reactive...

Short story: “Swan song”

The phone rings rudely and raucously, rousing me from my restful slumber at the unearthly hour of 4 by my bedside alarm clock. I reach for it irritably, then pause. It can only be her. No one else would ever call me at this hour. Yet it cannot possibly be her. She has been gone from my life for over...

Mrs Kapoor’s Daughter’s Wedding

Welcome, welcome, make yourself at home. The Kapoors have invited you to their humble home to witness their hopes and dreams come to fruition. Part stage play and part dance spectacular, the show follows Mrs Kapoor, played for great comic effect by Parle Patel, through all the trials and tribulations of marrying off her eldest daughter. The show is deliberately...

Bending it like Sid Mallya

This interview was originally published at in 2016, a few days ahead of the London Indian Film Festival. Naman Ramachandran, a personal friend had written his first film Naman Brahman and Sid Mallya was one of the lead cast.  When I started interacting with the PR handling the project, it was really difficult to try to convince them for...