Analysis: Super Cyclone Amphan brings massive destruction to the ‘storm breeder’ areas of Bay of Bengal

The Bay of Bengal has long been known as a ‘STORM BREEDER' according to the British Meteorologist, Henry Piddington, who coined the word ‘Cyclone‘ in 1840. This was not for the first time that the city of Kolkata has been hit by a twin disaster. In October 1737 Calcutta was nearly obliterated followed by an earthquake, with an unimaginable scenario...

Lockdown Diaries: A child’s perspective about managing adults during this period

Adults and parents are often the cause of a child’s confusion and irritation. This is a piece of writing to help children understand and manage adults (especially parents) better. Behavior Adult behavior is very peculiar, at least to children. The behaviors vary as much as teenagers. They can be happy, angry, tired, and the one I am most familiar with (and I’m...

Why everybody should read the Harry Potter series at least once in their lives 

The Harry Potter series is renowned across the world for its good writing and fantasy world. But it also teaches us a lot of life lessons and helps us understand the importance and the power of love and friendship. Here are some lessons which the Harry Potter series taught us. Heroes come in all shapes and sizes: This is an underlying...

Lockdown Diaries: My extended vacation and a beautiful entrapment in Holland

It was in November last year, when we decided to visit Europe. We wanted to cover about seven European nations. As our journey date was approaching, an unprecedented global crisis was unfolding fast. Covid-19 or Coronavirus, has taken the world by surprise. The unpreparedness of countries to deal with this virus has been exposed at various stages. We were also quite...

Lockdown Diaries: Baithak UK brings artists virtually together for music video celebrating togetherness

Despite the logistical issues posed by COVID-19, Baithak UK has managed to bring together artists virtually in order to make a music video which celebrates togetherness. "Those were the days" celebrates the power of music and memory, beautifully melding the globally popular folk song by Robert Burns "Auld Lang Syne", its Bengali adaptation by Rabindranath Tagore, and the recent translation (written exclusively...

Lockdown Diaries: Arya Taware of FutureBricks shares her hands-on attitude to success

I love to start my day properly by making sure I’m awake at 6am. I’ll either go for a morning walk or run everyday before I sit at my desk. I find that routine is everything right now and can help everyone mentally separate the very thin line between personal and professional life. Remaining positive As an entrepreneur and founder, it’s...

Lockdown Diaries: The Zoroastrian Trust Funds of Europe remember VE day in London

The Zoroastrian Trust Funds of Europe (ZTFE) commemorated the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day or VE Day in London, by following the national two minute silence at 11am on 8 May. At 11.15am, the resident priest at the Zoroastrian Centre, Ervad Yazad T Bhadha commenced reciting the Stum-no kardo in front of the fire in the Setayash Gah,...

Lockdown Diaries: Reflections of an Oxford shut-in

Something lockdown has given us all, in perhaps more quantities than we know how to deal with, is time. And as I find myself currently living alone, with my housemates having returned to their family homes, I have had all that time to myself. I had expected this to attract some sympathy - but the more sympathy I received,...

Lockdown Diaries: Festival Director Jitin Hingorani revamps South Asian Film Festivals, donates proceeds to charity

The Corona Virus is not just a pandemic, it is fast shaping the global economy and with it the fortunes of countless businesses and cultural events. Finding something frustrating and seeing an opportunity to make it better is what entrepreneurship is all about, says Sir Richard Branson, Founder of the Virgin Group, a British business magnate, investor, author and philanthropist. This...

KASHISH 2020 announces Rs 2,00,000 grant for outstanding LGBTQ+ theme films

Call for submissions open to KASHISH QDrishti Film Grant 2020 KASHISH, Mumbai International Queer Film Festival, South Asia’s biggest and India’s most mainstream LGBTQ film festival has launched a submission call for the KASHISH QDrishti Film Grant 2020 that offers Rs.2,00,000 to emerging Indian filmmaker to make a LGBTQIA+ short film between 10-15 mins. The grant is supported by Lotus...