Light of the end of the Covid-19 tunnel for property investment

A recent webinar, kindly hosted by the non-profit, think tank Bridge India, brought the welcome news that it looks like the global pandemic that has caused so much economic upheaval should not discourage investing in UK property, certainly if you're willing to see it as a long-term proposition. Bring back Brexit The online session, entitled “The impact of Covid-19 on Indian...

The UK property market scenario post COVID-19

As the globe enters uncharted territory, we wanted to take this opportunity to update you and be transparent to our community of lenders and borrowers. Thus, we’ve put together some FAQ style information for our lender and borrower community to keep you well informed. Frequently Asked Questions by Lenders: Q 1: How does it affect already funded/on-going Projects? A: Our existing projects...

How modular housing construction will uplift the property market post lockdown

The recent Covid-19 crisis has challenged our “traditional” habits like face to face meetings and pushed us towards digital world. One month into it, I am more busy than “normal” times with higher number of “effective” online meetings. Many UK firms also have reported higher productivity of their employees. Post lockdown, we are now leading a “new normal” life...

Lockdown Diaries: Arya Taware of FutureBricks shares her hands-on attitude to success

I love to start my day properly by making sure I’m awake at 6am. I’ll either go for a morning walk or run everyday before I sit at my desk. I find that routine is everything right now and can help everyone mentally separate the very thin line between personal and professional life. Remaining positive As an entrepreneur and founder, it’s...