
The home of all sorts of fiction. Short stories, poems, and book reviews.

Flowers – an environmental poem

I haven’t been able to make much music recently. Processing the news around us has been far from easy. So here’s a different kind of offering, with words and paint, this one is called — Flowers. It rained last night, From a monsoon sky, Soaked my soil, Burrowed its way Deep into my heart, Until I was swollen... Dark earth, Bubbled bright, And it hurt To be brimming with...

Of poetry and lockdown diaries

As a writer, raconteur and storyteller, I like to find my material, my stories in the real world. I then imbue them with a setting, a context and characters that find a voice to cut across the real and bring to life a message in my work that needs to be repeated constantly. My most recent work which came...

An ode to coronavirus

Hey there! I'm Corona Well, Corona means 'a crown' I'm now crowned king of social media And have become talk of the town. In less than a month I shot to fame And haunted every dream And managed to go from person to person Faster than a viral meme But I'm not as scary as it seems My mortality rate is low But one simple sneeze could infect 10...