
The home of all sorts of fiction. Short stories, poems, and book reviews.


Freedom is to fly like a bird upon the sky. Freedom is to climb the mountain so high. Freedom is to be free and do whatever you want, Freedom is to write freely, using any desired font. Freedom is to fight courageously for your nation, Freedom is to provide every unlettered education. Freedom is here to free you after being trapped for all those...

What is Global Indian Stories?

Global Indian Stories is all about Indians being able to share their stories with their communities and around the world. Since we launched, we've had the pleasure of a wide variety of stories from countries across the globe. We're proud to present a selection from our archive, to give you a flavour of what is all about. Literacy and...

Tales from the lockdown

From the minds of Samar and Ashish Hingorani come a collection of stories that follow three characters adapting to the new "normal" in these days of coronavirus. The illustrations are by Lakshmi Hingorani. Enjoy. NOTE: the controls to move back and forth through the pages are at the bottom of each page.

Menaka Ramakrishnan authors debut making novel “In this life or the next”

Young talented Dubai based Menaka Ramakrishnan in her twenties who is an avid reader has embarked upon a journey as an author. Her debut making novel "In this life or the next" - a fantasy thriller set in Dubai, is already receiving global acclaim. In a tete a tete with her, Rahul Laud tells you more about her book and...

Remembering Chiku, our squirrel child

This poem's been inspired by real events and has been written to make children understand the power of compassion towards animals. It is meant to encourage them to love them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I heard the crows scream out quite loud And ran outside to see, There lay on the grass in our Mumbai backyard Tiny balls of three! It was early hours, we were barely awake But...

I Can’t Breathe

At a time of global pandemic, it is telling to see the large gatherings of protestors across America. Personal safety has been thrown aside in a quest for justice. The deep upset and anger caused by the death of George Floyd has been felt far and wide, and it's certainly not just African Americans that can sympathise with the systemic...

Short story: “Clean”

The cabin in the woods was spotlessly clean.  It had always been that way, ever since the day it was built.  The clean aroma of the stew wafted out of the kitchen chimney and was lost in the trees somewhere in the distance. Cleanliness was her passion, her mission, her life.  She had adopted it in early childhood, a reactive...

What is Global Indian Stories?

Global Indian Stories has moved! We've upgraded our website onto a bigger, faster server and changed our domain to to better represent our ethos of being a non-profit organisation. Our goals are unchanged. Global Indian Stories is all about Indians being able to share their stories with their communities and around the world. Since we launched, we've had...

Debut novel depicts the challenges of a young Asian woman expelled from Uganda

Winter was just setting in when I first saw the images of Ugandan Asians disembarking at UK airports. The weather was foul and l’ll never forget the look on the faces of the new arrivals, as they started their new, diminished lives. The year was 1972 and I was a teenager leading a comfortable life in the English countryside....

An ode to coronavirus

Hey there! I'm Corona Well, Corona means 'a crown' I'm now crowned king of social media And have become talk of the town. In less than a month I shot to fame And haunted every dream And managed to go from person to person Faster than a viral meme But I'm not as scary as it seems My mortality rate is low But one simple sneeze could infect 10...