Lockdown Diaries

Our series of articles all about how people are making the best of the situations caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

Concerns are growing over the ‘deep’ racial inequality that the spread of the virus has exposed in Britain

Black and Asian people are more likely than white people to be fined in London under coronavirus laws, official data showed on Wednesday, as tens of thousands gathered in the British capital to protest against racism. More than half the penalties issued by London police between 27 March and 14 May for breaching new laws created to stop the spread...

We can’t breathe: George Floyd death strikes global chord

The recent death of George Floyd, a 46 year old African American has caused anger and protest around the world. It is not enough to call it a death for it was certainly a custodial murder by the police officers, one of whom was seen pinning Floyd down with his knee. As with Eric Garner murdered by police in New...

Lockdown Diaries: Migrants miseries multiply in India as government continues with its mum’s the word

The Covid-19 pandemic has revealed the open secret of the Indian economy, and its inability and failure to support the backbone of the industrial prowess - the 114 million strong, ductile and undemanding work-force and migrant labourers that have been left in the lurch during the eight-week-long lockdown (as we go to print.) Mass exodus The workplaces are shut or denied...

Lockdown Diaries: The power of easy-to-make vegan gluten-free pitaya energy balls

I was not a vegan all my life. My journey began after my lovely daughters Nurbanu (26) and Farin (21) turned vegan about five years back and inspired me to do the same, especially when I started experiencing a lot of muscular pain. They pointed out that I was overall following a rather unhealthy diet. Even though they were...

Analysis: Super Cyclone Amphan brings massive destruction to the ‘storm breeder’ areas of Bay of Bengal

The Bay of Bengal has long been known as a ‘STORM BREEDER' according to the British Meteorologist, Henry Piddington, who coined the word ‘Cyclone‘ in 1840. This was not for the first time that the city of Kolkata has been hit by a twin disaster. In October 1737 Calcutta was nearly obliterated followed by an earthquake, with an unimaginable scenario...

Lockdown Diaries: The hope that makes us go on and on….dancing

We celebrated Mother’s Day last weekend. It was just another day in these times of Coronavirus-pandemic-related lockdown existence. My day to day routine at home revolves around balancing home, office, and the kids. It is quite a juggle, but not quite different from what most other mothers all across the world go through every day. Many of these mothers...

Lockdown Diaries: A child’s perspective about managing adults during this period

Adults and parents are often the cause of a child’s confusion and irritation. This is a piece of writing to help children understand and manage adults (especially parents) better. Behavior Adult behavior is very peculiar, at least to children. The behaviors vary as much as teenagers. They can be happy, angry, tired, and the one I am most familiar with (and I’m...

Lockdown Diaries: My extended vacation and a beautiful entrapment in Holland

It was in November last year, when we decided to visit Europe. We wanted to cover about seven European nations. As our journey date was approaching, an unprecedented global crisis was unfolding fast. Covid-19 or Coronavirus, has taken the world by surprise. The unpreparedness of countries to deal with this virus has been exposed at various stages. We were also quite...

Lockdown Diaries: Respecting the anxieties of a five-year-old during the prolonged lockdown period

I am keeping lockdown diaries of my five-year-old daughter Inishka Bhattacharya for research. I talk with her to understand the tensions that she is going through during the lockdown period. All the bits shared at the bottom are her words from my COVID-19 diaries. I thought it would be good to share these as it can help other parents to...

Lockdown Diaries: Baithak UK brings artists virtually together for music video celebrating togetherness

Despite the logistical issues posed by COVID-19, Baithak UK has managed to bring together artists virtually in order to make a music video which celebrates togetherness. "Those were the days" celebrates the power of music and memory, beautifully melding the globally popular folk song by Robert Burns "Auld Lang Syne", its Bengali adaptation by Rabindranath Tagore, and the recent translation (written exclusively...