Vanilla cupcakes with cream-cheese frosting baked to perfection by a 5-year-old

The spread of the horrific Coronavirus that originated in China has reached Canadian borders, with the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s wife, Sophie Gregoire, testing positive for COVID-19. She is one of the over 8000 cases recorded on Canadian soil so far, and while 1200 people have recovered, more than a 100 have lost their lives to the virus. Like many countries across...

Senior citizen uses yoga to cope with COVID-19 and self-isolation

The world is in the peak of an epidemic and governments across the world have given a shout-out to the elderly (and those considered among the vulnerable group of citizens) to self-isolate in order to stay safe. It is the perfect time to exert those delightful time-management skills during old age. I am a yoga instructor and have been practicing...

An ode to coronavirus

Hey there! I'm Corona Well, Corona means 'a crown' I'm now crowned king of social media And have become talk of the town. In less than a month I shot to fame And haunted every dream And managed to go from person to person Faster than a viral meme But I'm not as scary as it seems My mortality rate is low But one simple sneeze could infect 10...

Zoroastrians return to their roots to cultivate a better future

History can be important, particularly when it comes to your ancestry. Your distant past can inform your current culture and identity. Reaching out to touch that past can be rewarding in ways that are hard to imagine, until you finally do it. That's the goal of the Zoroastrian "Return to Roots" programme, to foster community links and a sense...

Commemorating the sacrifices of five million Commonwealth forces 75 years after VJ Day

A solemn Monday morning on 9 March at the Memorial Gates in Constitution Hill saw a gathering of eminent community leaders to commemorate the sacrifices of the five million servicemen and women from the Commonwealth countries who had served during the First and Second World Wars along with the Royal Armed Forces. This year, the Commonwealth Day marked the...

Jiu-Jitsu fires a passion to win gold

In an era of cut-throat, tough competition, you might be forgiven for thinking success at a sport could only come by practising pretty much from the time you leave the womb. You might believe that a 27-year-old picking up Jiu-Jitsu might never achieve any real level of success. Going against these pre-defined notions makes Sankalita Chakraborty's swift rise to...

Coronavirus – beware the fear

I am a Mum. I have two daughters and I worry for them. Usually it's the typical apprehension about whether they will grow up healthy and have jobs which will sustain them, not only financially but also satisfy them emotionally. Today I'm worried about coronavirus, but not in the way you might expect. I recently saw a story online, on...

Serum Institute of India racing to be the world’s first with a coronavirus vaccine

The vaccine candidate developed by Serum Institute of India (SII), in partnership with American Biotechnology firm Codagenix, has progressed to the pre-clinical tests phase, i.e. the animal trial phase. HIGHLIGHTS Serum Institute of India recently announced that vaccine candidate COVID-19 is expected to progress to human trials phase within 6 months Serum Institute of India is the world’s largest vaccine...

Sheer coincidence or a repeated trend of Delhi riots during US Presidential visits

This story is a personal opinion piece by our contributing writer, inspired by the Delhi riots. It was first published in AltMedia News on the 29th February 2020. There is a stark, almost eerie, sense of déjà vu between the sequence of events leading to then US president Bill Clinton’s 2000 visit to India and the recently concluded President Trump’s...

The pride in overcoming body shaming

"The fear within us is our biggest enemy; get that out to conquer the world" There was a time when I wondered how ladies wearing bikinis and bodysuits be so fit? The fitness indicated their amazing mental and physical health, and the ability to be fit enough mentally to embrace themselves. That is my understanding, based on my personal experience. I...