Raja Bro to screen at Bangalore Queer Film Festival

Raja Bro25 mins | Documentary Short | IndiaDirector: Sridhar Rangayan Kashish's festival director, Sridhar Rangayan, is taking his short documentary Raja Bro to the Bangalore Queer Film Festival which runs 4-6 August 2023. Click here for more information about the film festival. Raja Bro, also known as Raja Bhau in its original Marathi title, is a short documentary film about a...

KASHISH 2020 announces Rs 2,00,000 grant for outstanding LGBTQ+ theme films

Call for submissions open to KASHISH QDrishti Film Grant 2020 KASHISH, Mumbai International Queer Film Festival, South Asia’s biggest and India’s most mainstream LGBTQ film festival has launched a submission call for the KASHISH QDrishti Film Grant 2020 that offers Rs.2,00,000 to emerging Indian filmmaker to make a LGBTQIA+ short film between 10-15 mins. The grant is supported by Lotus...

LIFF 2019 – Shonajhurir Bhoot

Shonajhurir Bhoot (Ghost of the Golden Groves) is part of the Bengal Tigers strand at the London Indian Film Festival. Directed by first-timers Aniket Dutta and Roshni Sen, under the moniker Harun-Al-Rashid (a character from the Arabian Nights who always remains in disguise), it fuses a story from Dutta together with a short story by Bibhutlhusn Bandyopadyay to produce...

Through the lens from a second home: the journey of an NRI American

A quote from Heraclitus aptly summarizes in paradoxical terms the truth about the story of human civilization : “The only thing that is constant is change.” At times, the pace is too fast to keep up with. As a first generation resident in the United States, I often reflect on the changes related to the Indian diaspora. What I...


Freedom is to fly like a bird upon the sky. Freedom is to climb the mountain so high. Freedom is to be free and do whatever you want, Freedom is to write freely, using any desired font. Freedom is to fight courageously for your nation, Freedom is to provide every unlettered education. Freedom is here to free you after being trapped for all those...