Remembering Dr Ambedkar on his 128th Anniversary

People around the world have marked Dr BR Ambedkar, our Babasaheb’s 128th birth anniversary; the great icon and father of the Indian nation. And here in the UK, at various locations including the Ambedkar House London in Hampstead where he lived for two years - secured with the hard work of the Federation of Ambedkarite and Buddhists Organisations UK....

Babasaheb and his feminist discourse

There is an urgent need for feminist discourse to turn to Dr. Ambedkar. In my speech, I will discuss why Dr. Ambedkar was champion of feminism. The current feminist discourse focuses on gender in isolation; however, it is necessary to include class, caste and other factors in feminist discourse. It’s worthwhile to understand his gender perspective. In his seminal...

Accomplishments of the Anti Caste Discrimination Alliance in fighting caste prejudices in UK

The Anti Caste Discrimination Alliance – ACDA - is an umbrella body, formed in 2008 and formally launched in February 2009. This year we’re marking our 10 years in the campaign to eliminate Caste based discrimination. Our success is in introducing a degree of co-ordination between likeminded groups and organisations and where necessary, providing strategic direction. We work with our...

Life and works of Dr BR Ambedkar discussed in UK Parliament

Federation of Ambedkarite and Buddhist Organisations UK along with Lord Harries of Pentregarth, organised a meeting and academic discussion entitled "Dr BR Ambedkar - His life and work" at the House of Lords on 7 May. It was a day dedicated to discussing the legacy of Dr BR Ambedkar, the father of the Indian constitution.  The meeting was chaired by Lord...

New Buddha Way helping to feed the world

The fourth of May might now be more well known as Star Wars Day, based on a pun of "may the Force be with you", but others were out in force to make the world a better place by helping to tackle the issue of global hunger. New Buddha Way, a group based in Surrey in the UK which advocates...

Tribute to the champion of multi-culturalism Burjor Jal Avari MBE – 1938 to 2019

Burjor Jal Avari MBE, my brother was a pioneer in fearlessly promoting multi-culturism in the UK.  His true moment came in 1987 following the race riots in various towns and cities of the UK.  He passionately felt that the peace and tranquillity of the UK society must somehow be continued to be  preserved by drawing together lessons from history....

Condolence service for Sri Lankan attacks at the Harrow Civic Centre

The Zoroastrian Trust Funds of Europe and the UK government stand in solidarity with Sri Lankan communities of all faiths and backgrounds, defending the rights of religious minorities at home and abroad The Harrow Council in London organised a condolence gathering at the Harrow Civic Centre on 25 April 2019 to express solidarity with the Sri Lankan community in the UK...