World Mental Health Day 2020: a tribute to the selfless Sumitra Tevani

In recent months, everyone has been talking about getting used to a new ‘normal’ in a COVID-19 world. In reality, my new normal is learning to live life to the fullest without my beautiful Mummy sending me WhatsApp messages, calling me a gazillion times a day, video calling me but then putting the phone up to her ear, sharing the...

Stories of immigrants from Kentucky Refugee Ministries in Lexington

I recently had the opportunity to work with an organization based in Kentucky called Kentucky Refugee Ministries. The company works with refugees who relocate to Kentucky, trying to help them get their way around their new homes. KRM (Kentucky Refugee Ministries) works to provide them with resources like jobs, medical appointments, and homes, getting a driver’s license or learning...

Lockdown Diaries: Biker doc Nilay explores India on two wheels to inspire and uplift

They say "smile a while and while you smile, there will be miles and miles of smiles because you smile." I have taken this saying so seriously that i create smiles as a full time dentist and ride for miles on end all over the country as a hobby. So for all those who don't know me I am Dr. Nilay...

Surviving cancer, a tale of hope: Missing the signs

I have been asked to share my Cancer Survivor Journey so that those who have had cancer or currently having cancer treatment will see there is light at the end of the tunnel. The family connection But firstly let me introduce myself my name is Preeti Dudakia born in Nairobi - East Africa, my family (Dad, mum, 3 brothers and myself)...

Lockdown Diaries: A child’s perspective about managing adults during this period

Adults and parents are often the cause of a child’s confusion and irritation. This is a piece of writing to help children understand and manage adults (especially parents) better. Behavior Adult behavior is very peculiar, at least to children. The behaviors vary as much as teenagers. They can be happy, angry, tired, and the one I am most familiar with (and I’m...

Yoga helping refugees and immigrants to a better quality of life

It might feel like a tired cliché but the New Year is often a good time to find the inspiration and try new things, in particular hobbies or habits that improve your quality of life. Yoga is a popular way to stay fit and flexible at any age, and Mona Flynn, an award-winning and local yoga teacher, has been...

Open Oven: Baking it Even!

With the world witnessing a paradigm shift, food still holds fort as a constant source of relief. Entrepreneurial ventures stocking on comfort and utility food has become the need of the hour. One such immensely popular bakery in Kolkata, India is the Open Oven Bakery. Instituted by Reshma Sengupta, Open Oven has been supplying tasty and healthy baked food...

Kargil Chronicles: Celebrating operation VIJAY after over a decade of the historic war

It was a warm summer morning in Mathura, and I was relishing the taste of my first sip of piping hot filtered coffee after a good 40 minutes run with the troops, when the phone rang. It was from the Indian Army Headquarters - and on the other end of the call was none other than my father, Major...

A ride too far

Baramulla, North Kashmir April 1990 The Vale of Kashmir was brimming with voices of dissent and there was a surge in violence, murder and mayhem triggered by religious uprising in the state. The trouble in the valley was abetted primarily by the military leadership of neighbouring Pakistan and supported by the religious fundamentalist forces who had fallen prey to the...