IIW Celebrates 74th Indian Independence Day with a patriotic musical evening and ladies cricket

Inspiring Indian Women had a double whammy this year for the celebration of 74th Indian Independence Day for the Indian diaspora with two back to back events, Aisa Desh hain mera on the 15th August 2020 and IIW All Ladies Ambika Trophy Cricket Championship on the following day. Aisa Desh hain mera Ye Desh Hain Mera, a tribute to the Armed...

Teacher turns author to keep Gujarati alive for future generations

Growing up in a multicultural, multiethnic, and multilingual London has been a key factor in shaping my identity. I am British – born and bred. A true Londoner. And I am as Indian as they come. My childhood was an Indian one, from the food, the language, the weekend activities, to the way I interact with people; my experiences have...

Anup Jalota, Ashwini Kane joins hands with Indian artistes in UK to produce patriotic song

Eminent vocalist from India Bhajan Maestro Anup Jalota and renowned Marathi film actors Pushkar Shrotri and Kavita Lad join hands with London based vocalist Ashwini Kane to produce a patriotic song to be digitally launched on the special occasion of India’s 73 Indian Independence Day. Ashwini Kane does not need  an introduction to those who love Hindi film music, semi...

UK project Mission Shramik Sahyog reaches out to feed migrant workers in India

When lockdown hit India it didn't hit the whole population equally, there were those who were in a much more tenuous situation than others. Although millions around the world were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, Indian migrant workers found themselves amongst the worst affected. Due to the lockdown, hundreds of thousands of Indian workers were unable to leave their workplace....

Dallas textiles firm supports US medical workers by pivoting into PPE

More than 35 million (and counting) pieces of personal protection equipment (PPE) have been shipped to hospitals, school districts, and government agencies around the country through Nextt Shield, a new division of Dallas-based textiles company Nextt Affiliated, created during the pandemic. Known worldwide for its sheets, bedding, and towels, Nextt -owned by Indian-born Arun Agarwalhas - has now pivoted to...

Opinion: Those who do not learn from history end up repeating it with even more dire consequences

Sant Bhindranwale, an unelected and self-appointed leader, promised Sikhs extra rights and benefits in a secular and democratic country, India, where equality for all is enshrined in its constitution. He offered the Sikhs more benefits than the elected Chief Minister of Punjab could give them. He played on the human weakness of wanting to get something for nothing. The result...

Bhavna Juneja: US-based entrepreneur, empowering women and revolutionising real estate in India

Being an entrepreneur isn't just something you do, it's something you are. It's not something which everyone could, or indeed should, do. However, some individuals clearly thrive on the challenge and love to change the world for the better. Bhavna Juneja is one of those individuals. Bhavna is Global Vice President-IT Services Life Science & Infrastructure at Infinity, a Stamford...

Exclusive: A tete a tete with Dr Aman Puri, the outgoing Consul General Of India in Birmingham on his tenure in the UK

On the eve of his departure to Dubai, in a free -wheeling conversation Rahul Laud spoke with the outgoing Consul General Of India Dr Aman Puri located in Birmingham for Global Indian Stories . Dentist turned into foreign services officer, Diplomat Dr Aman Puri will join this month the UAE Consulate.   How would reflect on your tenure here in...

Lockdown Diaries: Remembering the quintessential charm of Tagorean music

A new realisation about life has dawned upon us over last few months, many of us are either loving or loathing it, but yet one for sure, all of us are doing – we are recalibrating ourselves. What we thought was taken for granted has suddenly betrayed us. We have been going through an emotional roller coaster of trials...

Lockdown Diaries: Showing resilience in coping with Covid during the grey years

India has 110 million elderly, projected to become 177 million by 2025. Of this West Bengal has 750,000 senior citizens and Kolkata itself records 550,000 of them. In a recent research study the Calcutta Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology (CMIG), Regional Resource and Training Centre on Ageing, conducted individual case studies to explore how senior citizens were coping during the...