Covid Diaries

The place to come for uplifting stories in the face of the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Lockdown Diaries: story of the peas egg bhurji and tawa paratha, scrambled up in ten minutes

For a Guju like me, the ultimate "comfort food" is DBRS (daal-bhaat-rotli-shaak or daal, chawal, roti, sabji, or lentils, rice, Indian bread and veggies for the uninitiated). But if there is one more food item which provides the ultimate warmth of home cooked food and that long lingering ghar-ka-khana taste (home-style taste) on your taste buds, that is Vimla Aunty's...

Lockdown Diaries: Restauranteur Chinten Pandya supports NHS workers and the needy with free Indian meals

Chinten Pandya, a civil engineer and restaurant owner of Desi Dhaba, had to close his businesses following the government's guidelines but he and his wife Mona have never been busier. They are using his Feb-launched restaurant to feed hundreds of NHS workers, the vulnerable and needy in the community. The Wembley-based Director of Apna Construction Ltd. has turned the restaurant...

Home and exile – a cinematic journey of hope and resilience

Homebound for months during the pandemic, I seized the first opportunity to travel beyond my dull domestic frontiers. This unique excursion was facilitated by the three day virtual Asian Women’s Film Festival organized by the International Association of Women in Radio and Television – India Chapter. Having been a student, researcher and occasional teacher of cinema, I could not...

Concerns are growing over the ‘deep’ racial inequality that the spread of the virus has exposed in Britain

Black and Asian people are more likely than white people to be fined in London under coronavirus laws, official data showed on Wednesday, as tens of thousands gathered in the British capital to protest against racism. More than half the penalties issued by London police between 27 March and 14 May for breaching new laws created to stop the spread...

Lockdown Diaries: My extended vacation and a beautiful entrapment in Holland

It was in November last year, when we decided to visit Europe. We wanted to cover about seven European nations. As our journey date was approaching, an unprecedented global crisis was unfolding fast. Covid-19 or Coronavirus, has taken the world by surprise. The unpreparedness of countries to deal with this virus has been exposed at various stages. We were also quite...

Lockdown Diaries: Biker doc Nilay explores India on two wheels to inspire and uplift

They say "smile a while and while you smile, there will be miles and miles of smiles because you smile." I have taken this saying so seriously that i create smiles as a full time dentist and ride for miles on end all over the country as a hobby. So for all those who don't know me I am Dr. Nilay...

Lockdown Diaries: Migrants miseries multiply in India as government continues with its mum’s the word

The Covid-19 pandemic has revealed the open secret of the Indian economy, and its inability and failure to support the backbone of the industrial prowess - the 114 million strong, ductile and undemanding work-force and migrant labourers that have been left in the lurch during the eight-week-long lockdown (as we go to print.) Mass exodus The workplaces are shut or denied...

Edinburgh’s community spirit during the “new normal”

We are living in a “new normal”. Social distancing, wearing masks, sanitizing hands, and along with that being “digital/online”. Considering that large public gatherings are not permitted, keeping in mind the current prevailing COVID-19 situations, SABASH (Scottish Association of Bengali Arts and Sanskritik Heritage) and the Scottish Indian Arts Forum (SIAF) organised online Durga Puja and digital Dusherra celebrations...

KASHISH 2021 rescheduled to August due to the pandemic

The 12th edition of KASHISH Mumbai International Queer Film Festival, South Asia’s biggest LGBTQIA+ film festival which was to be held online in May has been rescheduled from August 19th to September 5th 2021 owing to the current situation of the pandemic in the country and across the world. In a statement released recently the organizers of the film festival said “considering the...

Yoga helping refugees and immigrants to a better quality of life

It might feel like a tired cliché but the New Year is often a good time to find the inspiration and try new things, in particular hobbies or habits that improve your quality of life. Yoga is a popular way to stay fit and flexible at any age, and Mona Flynn, an award-winning and local yoga teacher, has been...