Covid Diaries

The place to come for uplifting stories in the face of the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Lockdown Diaries: The Zoroastrian Trust Funds of Europe remember VE day in London

The Zoroastrian Trust Funds of Europe (ZTFE) commemorated the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day or VE Day in London, by following the national two minute silence at 11am on 8 May. At 11.15am, the resident priest at the Zoroastrian Centre, Ervad Yazad T Bhadha commenced reciting the Stum-no kardo in front of the fire in the Setayash Gah,...

Lockdown Diaries: Remembering the quintessential charm of Tagorean music

A new realisation about life has dawned upon us over last few months, many of us are either loving or loathing it, but yet one for sure, all of us are doing – we are recalibrating ourselves. What we thought was taken for granted has suddenly betrayed us. We have been going through an emotional roller coaster of trials...

Lockdown Diaries: British Asian Trust’s emergency COVID-19 appeal for South Asia

His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales, Royal Founding Patron of the British Asian Trust, gave his support to the British Asian Trust’s COVID-19 Emergency Appeal on Friday 24th April via a specially recorded video message. South Asia is home to 27% of the world’s poorest people with 750 million people surviving on less than $2.50 per day. Now...

Open Oven: Baking it Even!

With the world witnessing a paradigm shift, food still holds fort as a constant source of relief. Entrepreneurial ventures stocking on comfort and utility food has become the need of the hour. One such immensely popular bakery in Kolkata, India is the Open Oven Bakery. Instituted by Reshma Sengupta, Open Oven has been supplying tasty and healthy baked food...

Lockdown Diaries: Reflections In The Wake of COVID-19

Most of us Indians across the globe perhaps share a similar story at this juncture. We are in the same boat, stranded mentally if not physically. For those of us whose families are far away in India, the question that has inevitably crossed our minds is: “When will we get to go home next?” It's my 83rd day today,...

Flowers – an environmental poem

I haven’t been able to make much music recently. Processing the news around us has been far from easy. So here’s a different kind of offering, with words and paint, this one is called — Flowers. It rained last night, From a monsoon sky, Soaked my soil, Burrowed its way Deep into my heart, Until I was swollen... Dark earth, Bubbled bright, And it hurt To be brimming with...

Lockdown Diaries: Respecting the anxieties of a five-year-old during the prolonged lockdown period

I am keeping lockdown diaries of my five-year-old daughter Inishka Bhattacharya for research. I talk with her to understand the tensions that she is going through during the lockdown period. All the bits shared at the bottom are her words from my COVID-19 diaries. I thought it would be good to share these as it can help other parents to...

Concerns are growing over the ‘deep’ racial inequality that the spread of the virus has exposed in Britain

Black and Asian people are more likely than white people to be fined in London under coronavirus laws, official data showed on Wednesday, as tens of thousands gathered in the British capital to protest against racism. More than half the penalties issued by London police between 27 March and 14 May for breaching new laws created to stop the spread...

KASHISH 2020: South Asia’s biggest LGBTQIA+ film fest goes online, opens up for registrations

India’s first film festival and South Asia’s biggest LGBTQIA+ film festival, the 11th edition of KASHISH Mumbai International Queer Film Festival is going virtual this year due to the COVID19 lockdown. The festival is coming up with a full-slate of 157 films from 42 countries, making it the first Indian film festival to come up with a fresh bouquet of...

Dallas textiles firm supports US medical workers by pivoting into PPE

More than 35 million (and counting) pieces of personal protection equipment (PPE) have been shipped to hospitals, school districts, and government agencies around the country through Nextt Shield, a new division of Dallas-based textiles company Nextt Affiliated, created during the pandemic. Known worldwide for its sheets, bedding, and towels, Nextt -owned by Indian-born Arun Agarwalhas - has now pivoted to...