Delicious ambiguity drives dancer to greater heights

She is a Gold medalist in her Masters in Bharatnatyam dance, an actor, and a lawyer. Suhani Dhanki Mody, an established silver-screen actress, has recently relocated to London after her marriage and plans to concentrate on her career as a Bharatnatyam Danseuse. A lawyer from the well-known Government Law College at the University of Mumbai, the multi-talented Suhani has...

Trupti Patel: the first woman to become the Hindu Faith representative and Trustee to the Interfaith Network UK

The world is changing, with an ever-increasing desire to improve the inclusivity and diversity across all walks of life. One positive sign of this was when Trupti Patel was voted in as the first female President of The Hindu Forum of Britain (HFB) back in 2014. She has now become the first women Hindu Faith representative and Trustee to the...

Art exhibition brings traditions to life for future generations

The end of July saw London basking in sun, but also basking in the creative talents of Sushma Johari Madan. An exhibition called “Ancient Belief or Science” was held at the Nehru Centre in London, UK which gave the public a chance to see paintings which embodied and exemplified the ancient beliefs, stories, traditions, and myths of India. Each work...

Trupti Patel – the first female President of The Hindu Forum of Britain

The world is changing, with an ever-increasing desire to improve the inclusivity and diversity across all walks of life. One positive sign of this was when Trupti Patel was voted in as the first female President of The Hindu Forum of Britain (HFB) back in 2014. Global Indian Stories caught up with Trupti Patel to ask her about her ground-breaking...

An exclusive tete-a-tete with Rima Das about ‘Bulbul can Sing’

Assamese director Rima Das returned to the London Indian Film Festival (LIFF) this year with a powerful story of three teenagers and their journey of self-exploration, in her movie Bulbul Can Sing. Set in the rural northeast state of Assam, the village Rima grew up in, this picturesque and honest film has already swept up prestigious awards at Berlin,...

Ava’s Ark: an animal lover whose passion is her profession

If it's one thing that anyone close to me knows it is that I am an animal lover and, like with most animals, when our happy spirits meet its always love at first sight. As my passion for animals grew, the need to understand their behaviour and patterns grew as well. I decided to get a certification which would help...