Lockdown Diaries

Our series of articles all about how people are making the best of the situations caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

Lockdown Diaries: Sumit and Apurva of Cafe Guftagu appeal to raise funds, feed the needy in Mumbai during lockdown

The adverse impact from months of lockdown following Covid 19 and the hardships faced by thousands in one of the worst-hit cities in India, Mumbai is now a growing concern. While many have lost their livelihood opportunities, start-ups and businesses are struggling to stay afloat, certain vulnerable communities like the transgender people, sex workers, daily wage earners and other marginalised queer individuals...

KASHISH 2020: South Asia’s biggest LGBTQIA+ film fest goes online, opens up for registrations

India’s first film festival and South Asia’s biggest LGBTQIA+ film festival, the 11th edition of KASHISH Mumbai International Queer Film Festival is going virtual this year due to the COVID19 lockdown. The festival is coming up with a full-slate of 157 films from 42 countries, making it the first Indian film festival to come up with a fresh bouquet of...

Lockdown Diaries: Remembering the quintessential charm of Tagorean music

A new realisation about life has dawned upon us over last few months, many of us are either loving or loathing it, but yet one for sure, all of us are doing – we are recalibrating ourselves. What we thought was taken for granted has suddenly betrayed us. We have been going through an emotional roller coaster of trials...

Lockdown Diaries: Showing resilience in coping with Covid during the grey years

India has 110 million elderly, projected to become 177 million by 2025. Of this West Bengal has 750,000 senior citizens and Kolkata itself records 550,000 of them. In a recent research study the Calcutta Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology (CMIG), Regional Resource and Training Centre on Ageing, conducted individual case studies to explore how senior citizens were coping during the...

Not Namaste Trump but Phir Milengey: H-1B visas suspended, what now?

It looked like things were getting as close as could be between US President Donald Trump and Narendra Modi but a worldwide pandemic and a scourge of resulting unemployment in the States has put a spanner in the works of ‘Namaste Trump’, as an executive order signed this past week will suspend new visas for foreign workers, including the...

Lockdown Diaries: Bamboo House India supports waste pickers, daily wage earners with continued livelihood and aid

'My Waste, My Responsibility' is the mantra followed by Hyderabad-based social enterprise Bamboo House, India. Prashant Lingam, who co-founded the initiative along with his wife Aruna Kappagantula in 2006, moved from making eco-friendly bamboo homes to recycled eco-friendly plastic homes, plastic paver titles and kiosks for street vendors, using tonnes of used plastic garbage that would otherwise end up...

Lockdown Diaries: Key life skills to help you survive during the pandemic

As we can all agree, the lockdown period has presented many challenges especially when we are sat at home trying to keep safe. I have spoken to many family and friends through video-conferencing about the challenges that they are facing during the long period uncertainty with social distancing and self- isolation. I thought it would be a great idea...

Lockdown Diaries: Reflections In The Wake of COVID-19

Most of us Indians across the globe perhaps share a similar story at this juncture. We are in the same boat, stranded mentally if not physically. For those of us whose families are far away in India, the question that has inevitably crossed our minds is: “When will we get to go home next?” It's my 83rd day today,...

Lockdown Diaries: Saurav Dutt, author of ‘Dear Mr Bachchan’ talks about the joys of lockdown creativity

Now is the time to take the magic of words, music, art, and creativity and to allow them to inspire, comfort and empower you during the mental tests of Lockdown. There is joy in finding magic and solace in the written word, and the most testing of times empowers one to find enchantment among sentences, to flesh out the fabric of...

Flowers – an environmental poem

I haven’t been able to make much music recently. Processing the news around us has been far from easy. So here’s a different kind of offering, with words and paint, this one is called — Flowers. It rained last night, From a monsoon sky, Soaked my soil, Burrowed its way Deep into my heart, Until I was swollen... Dark earth, Bubbled bright, And it hurt To be brimming with...