LIFF 2021: Satyajit Ray Short Film Competition

This year sees the London Indian Film Festival adopt a hybrid format, fuelled by having to go online under last year's COVID lockdown. What this means is that the Satyajit Ray Short Film Competition is available to watch at home, for free, right now. Go here to sign up and “buy” your free tickets: LoveLIFFatHome You can watch the films...

Vikram Hazra’s UK tour 2019: Taking Indian devotional music to the global platform 

"See the world through the eyes of the Master" -- HH Sri Sri Ravi Shankar The Indian devotional music tradition is centuries old and one of the most versatile, varied, and broad music formats that has been passed down through generations across all provinces of India. One artist, Vikram Hazra has, for nearly three decades now, experimented and succeeded in threading...

Iranian feature “The Another Self” gets two nominations at Wales Film Festival

Passionate filmmaker Amir Tavakoli tackles a social topic in Iran The challenges faced by transgender communities across the world are similar, but can get extreme in conservative patriarchal societies like Iran and India. A film that has been doing the festival rounds and bravely brings out the nuances of this bold subject in Iran is a feature called The Another Self,...

Senior citizen uses yoga to cope with COVID-19 and self-isolation

The world is in the peak of an epidemic and governments across the world have given a shout-out to the elderly (and those considered among the vulnerable group of citizens) to self-isolate in order to stay safe. It is the perfect time to exert those delightful time-management skills during old age. I am a yoga instructor and have been practicing...

First line of defence against coronavirus

I am a commoner. We commoners only read and hear about wars, tsunamis, fires, murders, diseases. For us these things are just news, these are things that only happen to someone else. Our strongest opinions are often limited to the dining table of our house. To put it simply, we're just part of a large 'Janta'. But what if...

What is Global Indian Stories?

Global Indian Stories has moved! We've upgraded our website onto a bigger, faster server and changed our domain to to better represent our ethos of being a non-profit organisation. Our goals are unchanged. Global Indian Stories is all about Indians being able to share their stories with their communities and around the world. Since we launched, we've had...

Lockdown Diaries: Feeding the feeders – CORO India distributes food supplies to wage earners amidst the coronavirus lockdown

It's been a long time since I sat down to write something. But if one's part of something magical, then that story needs to be told. My story begins with the announcement of the Corona lockdown by the Indian government. We all knew it would come one day, but still we were all shocked when it did arrive. Most of...

One woman reports a rape every 15 minutes in India

One woman reported a rape every 15 minutes on average in India in 2018, according to government data released on Thursday, underlining its dismal reputation as one of the worst places in the world to be female. The highly publicised gang rape and murder of a woman in a bus in New Delhi in 2012 brought tens of thousands onto...

Swarnavel Eswaran’s first feature film Kattumaram (Catamaran) gets a standing ovation at BFI during LIFF 2019

Kattumaram (Catamaran), the coming-of-age tale of Tsunami-survivors in a small village where a conservative maternal uncle supports his orphaned niece and nephew while they struggle with their simple but complicated lives, has been very well received by London film-lovers. As a part of the London Indian Film Festival, LIFF 2019, Kattumaram had its European Premiere at the iconic BFI...

KASHISH 2021: Mumbai designer wins Poster Design Contest supported by late Wendell Rodricks’ estate

The winner for the KASHISH 2021 Wendell Rodricks Poster Design Contest for the 12th KASHISH Mumbai International Queer Film Festival was revealed today – Mumbai based graphic designer Ajoy Kumar Das was picked the winner by Jérôme Marrel, husband of late Wendell Rodricks, who was the jury member. This is the second time Ajoy Kumar Das is winning the coveted...