Mother bares her soul about the domestic abuse her daughter suffered

A grieving mother is chronicling the abuse her daughter’s ex-boyfriend inflicted upon her in a new book after a sustained period of physical and emotional abuse led to her taking her own life in 2016. Miss Meera Dalal had experienced physical and mental abuse for years and which ultimately led the Leicester-based NHS professional to tragically take her own life...

I Can’t Breathe

At a time of global pandemic, it is telling to see the large gatherings of protestors across America. Personal safety has been thrown aside in a quest for justice. The deep upset and anger caused by the death of George Floyd has been felt far and wide, and it's certainly not just African Americans that can sympathise with the systemic...

Community bonds over Hindu temple cemetery restoration project in Hong Kong

The capacity for people to give of themselves even in hard times is a wonder of the human spirit. Recently this was evident as a forgotten cemetery behind a Hindu temple in Hong Kong was saved by an eager crowd of volunteers. Arianne Baldesimo, a Filipino teacher who calls Hong Kong her home, has been in the Hindu Temple at...

Lockdown Diaries: The diary of a boy with an extraordinary disease

Robby Khullar will be writing a series of articles for us on Multiple Sclerosis, a condition that he has been suffering from for 35 years. Robby, with his positivity and wit, has been spreading awareness among the South Asian diasporas in the UK, actively taking part in MS research and helping provide answers that will prove critical for the generations...

Kumartuli saga 2020: the hands that shape the Gods

The word ‘unprecedented times’ perhaps has found a new definition, since the Coronavirus pandemic hit different parts of the world since December last year. Among all the turmoil caused, the pandemic has changed the Durga Puja festival, the biggest celebrations for Hindu Bengalis around the world, where they gather for five days to seek the powerful matriarchal blessings of...

The UK property market scenario post COVID-19

As the globe enters uncharted territory, we wanted to take this opportunity to update you and be transparent to our community of lenders and borrowers. Thus, we’ve put together some FAQ style information for our lender and borrower community to keep you well informed. Frequently Asked Questions by Lenders: Q 1: How does it affect already funded/on-going Projects? A: Our existing projects...

Commemorating the sacrifices of five million Commonwealth forces 75 years after VJ Day

A solemn Monday morning on 9 March at the Memorial Gates in Constitution Hill saw a gathering of eminent community leaders to commemorate the sacrifices of the five million servicemen and women from the Commonwealth countries who had served during the First and Second World Wars along with the Royal Armed Forces. This year, the Commonwealth Day marked the...

SAJDA Season 3: A tribute to Indian maestros to launch this month

Where words fail, music speaks It is said that music is the universal language of mankind, and music gives a soul to the universe. The annual music and arts festival SAJDA, aims to do that, while being a living bridge between India and the UK, through the showcase of Indian performing arts, unsung heroes from different genres, dying art forms...

More scholarships for Indian students through LSE’s new India programme

In a positive move for the education sector in the UK, Boris Johnson has reversed the restrictive immigration policy for international students that drastically slashed the time for foreign students to find a job after graduating, from two years to four months. The policy, introduced by May as Home Secretary in 2012, had proved extremely detrimental to Britain’s popularity as...

The Pandit of multiculturalism and diversity at Sky taps on the power of inclusivity

The ICC World Cup Cricket’s results may have been a huge disappointment for Indian fans globally, but for the perceptive business leader Debarshi Pandit, the Head of Multicultural Business and Special Projects at Sky Media (Sky's advertising sales arm) UK, this provided the perfect opportunity to tap the incremental revenue opportunities from multicultural ad campaigns in the exceptionally diverse milieu. Debarshi...