Yoga: Towards a Healthier and Happier Life

All of us want to lead a happy and peaceful life. But concentrating on only money and fulfilment of materialistic desires cannot give uninterrupted peace and happiness. We need very good health for both body and mind to reach the goal. The point is, how can we get good health? I am happy to report that many ladies and...

Unique Indian spirituality paintings to be exhibited at the Nehru Centre

Sushma Johari Madan is a spiritual artist, incorporeal teacher and the author of two books on Indian mythology. Sushma's exclusive collection of paintings titled “Ancient beliefs or Science?” will be showcased at the Nehru Centre for the first time from 22 to 25 July. The event is open to all and Sushma encourages everyone to take time out to...

Rhona Tasmia Rabbani – The bright, young FedEx-pert of the APAC region

People are the core of any business and those who are in charge of driving the people policies, hiring, development and engagement of talents, are the gatekeepers to that resource. Meet Rhona Tasmia Rabbani, the Managing Director of Talent & Learning for FedEx Express in the Asia Pacific region, one of the youngest directors in the region of this...

Lockdown Diaries: Apsara Reddy fights against heightened abuse and vulnerability during curfew in India

Apsara Reddy is the first trans-gender Indian politician, who has led the way and been an inspiration to thousands in the community in India and across the world. The inspirational leader was appointed the National General Secretary of All India Mahila (Women's) Congress, in January 2019 by the Congress President Rahul Gandhi. The lockdown period imposed by the government of...

International Mother Language Day – the challenges with immigration

In 1999, following an initiative by Bangladesh, UNESCO declared that 21 February would be International Mother Language Day, and it's been observed every year since the turn of the millennium. The date has significance because it was in 1952 that thousands amassed in Bangladesh's capital, Dhaka, to protest against the suppression of their native language. Preserving culture The goal for this day...

LIFF 2021: Satyajit Ray Short Film Competition

This year sees the London Indian Film Festival adopt a hybrid format, fuelled by having to go online under last year's COVID lockdown. What this means is that the Satyajit Ray Short Film Competition is available to watch at home, for free, right now. Go here to sign up and “buy” your free tickets: LoveLIFFatHome You can watch the films...

Sheer coincidence or a repeated trend of Delhi riots during US Presidential visits

This story is a personal opinion piece by our contributing writer, inspired by the Delhi riots. It was first published in AltMedia News on the 29th February 2020. There is a stark, almost eerie, sense of déjà vu between the sequence of events leading to then US president Bill Clinton’s 2000 visit to India and the recently concluded President Trump’s...

From bondage to the company boardroom

Indian tea plantation workers swap life of bondage for a seat in the boardroom  In a groundbreaking initiative to rehabilitate and include plantation workers in the Southern Indian state of Kerala, Priyadarshini Tea Environs in Kerala's Wayanad region saw the state government give 900 acres of land to the survivors of slavery in 1986. The plantation is seen as a rare success story...

Diwali – a beautiful festival

Diwali is a beautiful Hindu festival, it's a festival of lights. On Diwali, we light candles and decorate the house with flower decorations, rangoli, clean cushions, and festive lights to show that lights always overcomes darkness. This amazing festival takes place in the time span of October to November, when the weather starts getting nicer and cooler, especially in India. We've...

Iranian feature “The Another Self” gets two nominations at Wales Film Festival

Passionate filmmaker Amir Tavakoli tackles a social topic in Iran The challenges faced by transgender communities across the world are similar, but can get extreme in conservative patriarchal societies like Iran and India. A film that has been doing the festival rounds and bravely brings out the nuances of this bold subject in Iran is a feature called The Another Self,...