Lockdown Diaries: Abhishek Buddhadev seizes the lockdown as an opportunity, self-isolation as power of growth

Life always gives us the opportunity to improve ourselves, raise our voice, head, and self-esteem to overcome negativity. I was a bullied kid in school and lost the confidence to live life, but I recall the quote of "Do or Die". It's better to Do something else, as I already felt the situation of Dying in my depression. I started...

Yoga: Towards a Healthier and Happier Life

All of us want to lead a happy and peaceful life. But concentrating on only money and fulfilment of materialistic desires cannot give uninterrupted peace and happiness. We need very good health for both body and mind to reach the goal. The point is, how can we get good health? I am happy to report that many ladies and...

Serum Institute of India racing to be the world’s first with a coronavirus vaccine

The vaccine candidate developed by Serum Institute of India (SII), in partnership with American Biotechnology firm Codagenix, has progressed to the pre-clinical tests phase, i.e. the animal trial phase. HIGHLIGHTS Serum Institute of India recently announced that vaccine candidate COVID-19 is expected to progress to human trials phase within 6 months Serum Institute of India is the world’s largest vaccine...

An ode to coronavirus

Hey there! I'm Corona Well, Corona means 'a crown' I'm now crowned king of social media And have become talk of the town. In less than a month I shot to fame And haunted every dream And managed to go from person to person Faster than a viral meme But I'm not as scary as it seems My mortality rate is low But one simple sneeze could infect 10...

The Yoga World unites for Mental Health: Online Yoga Festival for Mental Health on 14th June

First of its kind world-wide event will offer free workshops and marks importance of mental health and the contribution Yoga can make Berlin, 11th June 2020 - In an unprecedented move to help people cope with the stress and tension that the Corona pandemic has brought along for them, The Art of Living Foundation in partnership with Sri Sri School of...

Senior citizen uses yoga to cope with COVID-19 and self-isolation

The world is in the peak of an epidemic and governments across the world have given a shout-out to the elderly (and those considered among the vulnerable group of citizens) to self-isolate in order to stay safe. It is the perfect time to exert those delightful time-management skills during old age. I am a yoga instructor and have been practicing...

First line of defence against coronavirus

I am a commoner. We commoners only read and hear about wars, tsunamis, fires, murders, diseases. For us these things are just news, these are things that only happen to someone else. Our strongest opinions are often limited to the dining table of our house. To put it simply, we're just part of a large 'Janta'. But what if...

Hemraj Goyal Foundation launch one-night-only sensory experience in Central London, in aid of Sense International

The Hemraj Goyal Foundation will be hosting a one of a kind sensory experience on Tuesday 18th June 2019, raising awareness and funds for deafblindness charity Sense International. Inspired by a recent trip to India where they interacted with children living with the condition, Senses is an event spearheaded by the next generation team at HGF, led by Simran Sehmi...

What is Global Indian Stories?

Global Indian Stories is all about Indians being able to share their stories with their communities and around the world. Since we launched, we've had the pleasure of a wide variety of stories from countries across the globe. We're proud to present a selection from our archive, to give you a flavour of what globalindianstories.org is all about. Literacy and...

Vanilla cupcakes with cream-cheese frosting baked to perfection by a 5-year-old

The spread of the horrific Coronavirus that originated in China has reached Canadian borders, with the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s wife, Sophie Gregoire, testing positive for COVID-19. She is one of the over 8000 cases recorded on Canadian soil so far, and while 1200 people have recovered, more than a 100 have lost their lives to the virus. Like many countries across...