Yoga: Towards a Healthier and Happier Life

All of us want to lead a happy and peaceful life. But concentrating on only money and fulfilment of materialistic desires cannot give uninterrupted peace and happiness. We need very good health for both body and mind to reach the goal. The point is, how can we get good health? I am happy to report that many ladies and...

Survey highlights ‘Back to School’ fears

A recent survey has revealed children’s top fears about going back to school. Barnardo’s commissioned these results from YouGov and published them on the same day as revealing a new TV advert, aimed at highlighting the importance of mental health support services for children and young people. Here are some of the main statistics taken from Barnardo's article or alternatively,...

Mother bares her soul about the domestic abuse her daughter suffered

A grieving mother is chronicling the abuse her daughter’s ex-boyfriend inflicted upon her in a new book after a sustained period of physical and emotional abuse led to her taking her own life in 2016. Miss Meera Dalal had experienced physical and mental abuse for years and which ultimately led the Leicester-based NHS professional to tragically take her own life...

What is Global Indian Stories?

Global Indian Stories is all about Indians being able to share their stories with their communities and around the world. Since we launched, we've had the pleasure of a wide variety of stories from countries across the globe. We're proud to present a selection from our archive, to give you a flavour of what is all about. Literacy and...

Coronavirus – beware the fear

I am a Mum. I have two daughters and I worry for them. Usually it's the typical apprehension about whether they will grow up healthy and have jobs which will sustain them, not only financially but also satisfy them emotionally. Today I'm worried about coronavirus, but not in the way you might expect. I recently saw a story online, on...

Lockdown Diaries: Reflections In The Wake of COVID-19

Most of us Indians across the globe perhaps share a similar story at this juncture. We are in the same boat, stranded mentally if not physically. For those of us whose families are far away in India, the question that has inevitably crossed our minds is: “When will we get to go home next?” It's my 83rd day today,...

Lockdown Diaries: Abhishek Buddhadev seizes the lockdown as an opportunity, self-isolation as power of growth

Life always gives us the opportunity to improve ourselves, raise our voice, head, and self-esteem to overcome negativity. I was a bullied kid in school and lost the confidence to live life, but I recall the quote of "Do or Die". It's better to Do something else, as I already felt the situation of Dying in my depression. I started...

An ode to coronavirus

Hey there! I'm Corona Well, Corona means 'a crown' I'm now crowned king of social media And have become talk of the town. In less than a month I shot to fame And haunted every dream And managed to go from person to person Faster than a viral meme But I'm not as scary as it seems My mortality rate is low But one simple sneeze could infect 10...

Senior citizen uses yoga to cope with COVID-19 and self-isolation

The world is in the peak of an epidemic and governments across the world have given a shout-out to the elderly (and those considered among the vulnerable group of citizens) to self-isolate in order to stay safe. It is the perfect time to exert those delightful time-management skills during old age. I am a yoga instructor and have been practicing...

Lockdown Diaries: Captain Sir Tom Moore, 100, dies with Covid 19 at the NHS Bedford hospital

Sir Thomas Moore, the 100-year-old legendary war veteran and NHS hero who won the nation's heart by raising £32 million for the NHS Charities to support their services during the coronavirus pandemic has died at the Bedford Hospital on Tuesday. He was admitted at the hospital on 31 January, after being tested positive for COVID-19. His  condition deteriorated as...